Why Did You Lie, Pastor?

Why Did You Lie, Pastor?

Why Did You Lie, Pastor?

Pastor Min Redamwang, Columbia, Missouri.

Firstly, I want to express my respect and admiration for your role as a Christian pastor. I understand the significance of your position and the responsibilities that come with it. When you approached me, I was honored to have the opportunity to fulfill your hopes and purposes.

Your decision to cooperate with the individual who sent inappropriate messages to me is deeply disappointing. As my acquaintance, I expected you to stand up for what is right and support me in addressing the situation. Instead, your choice to side with the person responsible not only undermined my trust in you but also made me question your judgment and integrity.

Furthermore, your decision to lie in court is not only unethical but also a betrayal. By providing false information, you not only hindered the pursuit of justice but also put your own credibility at stake. It is disheartening to see someone I once considered a spiritual leader resort to such dishonesty and manipulation.

1. Lying About Your Ethnicity

You claimed to be a Burmese Christian pastor and even testified to this in court. However, it has come to my attention that you are not Burmese, just as I am not. The idea of a Burmese Christian pastor is quite rare, and it is disheartening to think that you would fabricate your ethnicity. Can the Burmese community truly accept a non-Burmese individual claiming to be one of their own? It is concerning that you would lie about your own heritage.

When someone falsely claims to belong to a particular ethnic group, it raises questions about their integrity and motives. In this case, the fact that you pretended to be a Burmese Christian pastor raises eyebrows, not only because it is an uncommon combination but also because it undermines the trust and credibility that should be associated with religious leaders.

Ethnicity is not something that can be chosen or fabricated at will. It is a deeply rooted aspect of a person’s identity, shaped by their family history, cultural upbringing, and shared experiences. By falsely claiming to be a member of a specific ethnic group, you not only disrespect the heritage and struggles of that community but also create a sense of distrust and skepticism among those who may have initially believed in your authenticity.

It is essential to consider the consequences of such actions. By pretending to be something you are not, you risk alienating those who may have supported and respected you. In the case of a religious leader, the trust and faith of your congregation are of utmost importance. When they discover that you have lied about your ethnicity, it raises doubts about your sincerity, moral character, and the authenticity of your spiritual guidance.

2. Lying About Your English Proficiency

You arrived in America in 2017, which means you have been here for seven years. Prior to that, you claimed to have attended a Bible school, where English was the language of instruction. Additionally, during your time in Malaysia, you were known to assist with translation whenever needed because of your proficiency in English. Yet, inexplicably, you testified in court that you do not understand English and signed a contract without comprehending its contents. Why did you choose to lie in court?

These actions raise questions about your integrity and honesty. It is common knowledge that I was selling an oil lease, and yet you lied by denying any involvement in the transaction. Furthermore, you claimed not to understand the contract because it was written in English, even though there is evidence of you not only understanding English but also acting as an interpreter for others. Why did you feel the need to lie in court?

It is disheartening to see someone in your position, representing a faith community, resorting to dishonesty. Your actions not only affect the outcome of our dispute but also tarnish the trust that people have placed in you.

Furthermore, your dishonesty regarding your English proficiency also calls into question your overall character and ethics. As a pastor, you are expected to uphold moral values and lead by example. Lying under oath not only goes against the principles of honesty and integrity but also raises doubts about your suitability for your role as a spiritual leader.


Additionally, as a pastor, it is important to consider the impact of your actions on the perception of your faith community. Presenting a case to the court demanding double the value of your purchase seems excessive and greedy. It is disheartening to see a pastor joining forces with others solely to gain favor with a judge.

I had relied on you and trusted that you would support me when I faced challenges. However, you chose to align yourself with those who sought to harm me. This raises concerns about your ability to handle conflicts within your church community. If someone else were to approach you seeking assistance, would they also find themselves in a situation where you would file a lawsuit?

In conclusion, I am left saddened and disappointed by the lies that have unfolded throughout this ordeal. As a pastor, you hold a position of trust and influence, and it is disheartening to witness the erosion of that trust. I hope that you can reflect on your actions and strive to restore the integrity and honesty that should be inherent in your role as a Christian pastor.

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