A Divine Connection: The Power of Worship in Dreams

The Power of Worship in Dreams

A Profound Dream: Worshiping Jesus

Last night, I had a dream that left me deeply moved and spiritually touched. It was a dream where I had the privilege of worshiping Jesus, and the experience was so profound that it brought me to tears.

In my dream, I found myself singing along to a worship song. As the lyrics filled the air, my heart overflowed with a hunger for worship that I didn’t want to end. The melody resonated within me, and I felt a deep connection to the presence of Jesus. As the worship intensified, I couldn’t help but be drawn deeper into the experience. I found myself bowing on my knees, overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude and reverence. Tears streamed down my face as I wept, not out of sadness, but out of a profound appreciation for the privilege of knowing how to worship and being able to be in a place of worship.

But just as I was immersed in this heavenly worship, I suddenly woke up. To my amazement, the very same worship song that I had been singing in my dream was playing on my iPad beside me. This divine coincidence touched me deeply, and I couldn’t help but recognize the hand of God in it.

Reflecting on this experience, I realized that there was a reason why I had played worship songs during my sleep. Two weeks ago, I had a dream that seemed to be a message from a higher power, urging me to play worship music while I slept. At the time, I didn’t fully understand the significance of the dream, but now it all makes sense.

We often underestimate the spiritual realm that surrounds us, especially during our sleep. But God, in His infinite wisdom, knows us better than we know ourselves. It was by His mercy and grace that He revealed to me the importance of being aware even in my sleep.

This encounter has reminded me of the power of worship and the connection it creates between us and the divine. Through worship, we can experience a profound sense of closeness to God, whether in our dreams or in our waking moments. It is a reminder that our worship has the ability to transcend time and space, reaching into the depths of our souls and touching the heart of our Creator.

So, let us not underestimate the power of worship, both in our conscious moments and in the mysterious realm of dreams. May we be open to the divine encounters that come our way, and may our worship be a constant offering of love and devotion to the One who deserves it all.


In my dream, I found myself singing along to a worship song. As the lyrics filled the air, my heart overflowed with a hunger for worship that I didn’t want to end. Tears streamed down my face as I wept, not out of sadness, but out of a profound appreciation for the privilege of knowing how to worship and being able to be in a place of worship.”
– Levi Sap Nei Thang

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  1. Pingback: Crying in the Presence of God: Experiencing Tears During Worship - Levi Sap Nei Thang

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